
『Sitting Kills, Moving Heals』

  • まとめ
  • めも
  1. 宇宙から帰ってきた宇宙飛行士がそうであるように、重力から逃れていると老化に似た症状が現れる。
  2. 座り続けることは、重力から逃れる行為である。
  3. ゆえに、座ってばかりいると老化症状が現れる。
  • Structured, intense, once-a-day exercise よりも、low-intensity, frequent, alternating movements throughout the day that use gravity to load the body, targeting the stabilizer posture musclesが大事。
  • Stand up often. 立ち続けるのではなく、何回も立つ。Standing up often is what matters, not how long you remain standing.
  • Every time you stand up, the body initiates a shift in fluids, volumes, and hormones, and causes muscle contractions to occur; and almost every nerve in the body is stimulated.
  • (54) Movement is ineffective without gravity.
  • A multitude of frequent, low-intensity stimuli, throughout the day, 365 days a year is the optimal approach.
  • (43) The secret to good health on Earth that space exploration revealed is the need for perpetual motion.
  • (37) The absence of gravity for even a few days accelerated the astronauts' physical degeneration.
  • We found changes in their bodies that we typically associate with aging.
  • (41) Nothing speeds up brain atrophy 【脳萎縮】 like immobilization.
  • On Earth, from age 20 we lose roughly 1 percent of our bone density a year. Yet astronauts in space lose 1.6 percent of their bone density a month, and some have lost as mush as 1 percent in a single week.
  • The same changes that appear in astronauts appeared in the bed-bound volunteers.
  • How quickly they and astronauts recovered largely depended on how many days they had been in bed or in space.
  • Our body was designed to live in gravity as a perpetual motion machine.
  • Movement is valuable, but the presence of gravity is crucial for it to be effective.
  • The Loss of Independence: Older people whose posture is stooped, who walk unsteadily, too weak to sit down or stand up without help. - When one reaches this stage of physical decline, it becomes difficult or impossible to live independently, and it is the loss of independence that people approaching their retirement years hate to contemplate.
  • The relative risk of death was two times greater in Impaired-Active and three times greater in Impaired-Sedentary groups than was the risk of death in Mobile-Active groups.
  • They are common features we identiy with someone old and frail, someone who is bedridden because of an injury or suffering from a wasting disease 【消耗性疾患】 such as AIDS/HIV or a long-term infection.
Astronauts in Space vs Changes on Earth with Age
Astronauts in Space Changes on Earth with Age
Aerobic capacity 【有酸素容】 decreases by 25% in 7-14 days. 10% per decade.
Plasma volume 【血漿量】 decreases by 10-20% in 7-90 days. 0.5-1% per decade.
Bone density decreses by up to 5% per month. 1% per year.
Muscle mass decreses by 1% per month. 1% per year.
Muscle strenght proportionately reduced.
Flabby muscles.
Fetal/curved stance. Stooped posture.
Reduced force, explosive power.
Abnormal reflex 【異常反射】 patterns.
Increased fatigability.
Decreased cardiac output 【心拍出量】.
Decreased heart stroke volume.
Slower movement and reaction time.
Increased body fat replaces muscle.
Reduced sensitivity to insulin.
Decreased testosterone 【テストステロン/男性の性ホルモン】.
Decreased growth hormone.
Aching joints 【関節痛】.
Loss of collagen.
Tender soles on return from space. Tender soles on getting out of bed.
Sluggish gut, slower gut transit time and absorption, urinary incontinence 【失禁症】.
  • The magunitude of these changes depends on its onset, how little gravity you use, and how long you remain sedentary.
  • Gravity Deprivation Syndrome (GDS)
  • Diabetes 【糖尿病】 is not a standalone disease. Closely linked to obesity, it doubles the risk of heart disease and stroke. Blindness, kidney failure, and poor circulation requiring amputations are common sequels.
  • sedentary lifestyle -> pelvic muscle weakening -> urinary incontinence.
  • Become aware of the negative health impacts of technological "blessings".
  • The better you understand the science underlying the solution to GDS, the better your chances of faithfully adopting the G-habits that will lead you to live a long and healthy life.
  • Standing without exercise is more effective in the regulation of blood pressure and the restoration of blood volume.
  • The shorter but more frequent changes in posture, the greater the benefit to the regulation of blood presssure.
  • (66) Standing up often is what matters, not how long you remain standing. Every time you stand up, the body initiates a shift in fluids, volumes, and hormones, and causes muscle contractions to occur; and almost every nerve in the body is stimulated. If you stand up 16 times a day for two minutes, the body would read that as 16 stimuli, whereas if you stood once and remained standing for 32 minutes, it would see that as one stimulus.
  • Stabilizers (Postural muscles) become weaker faster when they no longer have to work against gravity.
  • Sitting contributes to erectile dysfunction (ED).
  • Testosterone levels are redueced in space and by lying in bed continuously, and should be with prolonged sitting. The same is true for the endothelium 【内皮細胞】, the lining of the smooth muscle of blood vessels.
  • NEAT: Non-exercise thermogenic activity
  • (57) NEAT is defined as the small, brief, yet frequent muscular movements one makes throughout the day, of which changing position is the mosit effective: standing, sitting, lying down, bending over to pick up something, squatting, stretching upward to take something off a shelf, getting dressed and undressed, playing a musical instrument, and stirring a pot; even movements as small as crossing and uncrossing one's legs, waving one's hands while talking, and fidgeting are helpful.
  • People who move around a lot all day and don't go to the gym expand more calories than those who do go to the gym but then spend the rest of their day sitting around.
  • Only the stabilizers respond to non-eercise or natural physical activities distributed intermittently throughout the day.
  • Inactivity that reduces or eliminates small, frequent movements interferes with sugar and fat metabolism 【代謝】.
  • (24) The key features that arise are low-intensity, frequent, alternating movements that use gravity to load the body, targeting the stabilizer posture muscles and providing a sense of direction for balance and coordination.
  • (29) It is developing the G-habit of standing up often, changing your position relative to gravity, that is the most beneficial way of using gravity.
G-Habits Action Plan
  • Stretching
  • Stand up, SIt down
  • Stand tall
  • Stretch at your desk
  • Walk tall
  • Go up/down stairs